O my loving life Whence cometh myself From this daunting height? Reeking of this sight In memory delight. How sad my plight ? beholding this terror Of loving one, and Married to the other. Saddened by the husbandman Be merry by the stranger-man. How cruel my contentions? How bad my affection? Played at, by my intentions With the husband man. What a genuine gift of uneasiness And peril to the self. When all that is in my want, All that is in my quest Is an unconditional joy And an overwhelmed laughter Between son, the husbandman and self. Not the incessant weary cause to the self now, Nor this turmoil within my self Can ease me of my drift. O My loving life Whence cometh my self From this daunting height Hmm. For whatever we sought (like apathy or libido) Outside the marriage home It's anxiety we end up to own.