Behold Ta meri! Behold Ta seti! Now in dire need Now in servitude For loosing her pride... Behold Ta meri! Behold Ta seti! On whose plight I speak ; Lured to the kill For loosing her Kings... Behold Ta seti! Behold Ta meri! The mother whose Doors are closed To her children... Behold Ta meri Behold Ta seti The mother whose dreams are Shuttered shedding geniality, Now at the gallows... But I dream of the future When her Kings Will assume their stature, When her home will be rid Of its bonds from its wooers. I dream of the future When her children Will price the bounty Of their harvest without The invisible hand - The future when her children Will walk across borders, To share a cup of pito Over their decision for A better tomorrow. I look to the future When in want her soul Will feel no despair. I look to the future When in penury Her soul will feel no vial But joy and glory . Glory in its peak of glow, Glory for her and her home, Glor...